Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Three Hazards An Emergency Electrician Can Help You With After A Storm

emergency-electrician-3-300x214.jpgSome of the dangers posed to the safety of an emergency electrician happen after floods and hurricanes. Among the most common ones are fallen power lines while other dangers are less visible. After a storm, the response and recovery, and emergency electrician Wilmington, NC, and other workers will be brought in from distant places to help with the clean up and repair. It’s important for all workers to know the possible electrical hazards that they may face and get the right PPE and safety training for the tasks they face. Here are three of the possible electrical dangers that electrical contractors and even homeowners should watch out for.

3 Dangers That An Emergency Electrician May Face After A Storm

Backfed Power Lines Although the method is highly discouraged, and in certain areas, illegal, homeowners would link generators directly to their home’s electrical outlet. This could cause the current to back feed into the utility, which would create an electrocution danger for electricians who are trying to fix the downed line. Flooded Basement The flooded basements could also pose an electrocution danger, even when the area doesn’t have power, because of the likelihood of backfed current from the generator of their neighbors. Flooding could also damage the circuit breakers as well as other overcurrent protective equipment, water in the basement, which has been flooded, could possibly be electrified. Wet carpets could also be an electrical conductor, just like a puddle of water, so you need to be careful. Overcurrent Protective Equipment and Water Damaged Electrical Devices In case the electrical device got wet, you need to have it inspected by a qualified electrician before it can be used. Keep in mind that floodwater may be polluted with sewage, chemicals, debris, and pollutants. These contaminants could corrode as well as damage wires that have been insulated, similar to the consequences when these wires are exposed to moisture. Fuses, SPD’s, AFCI’s, GFCI’s, and fuses are overcurrent protective devices that may have been submerged after a typhoon or during a flood should be replaced right away. Just like you should not reuse a deployed car airbag or a child car seat following an accident, you should not use this safety equipment after a flood. There’s no guarantee that they will function correctly after getting compromised in such a way. Change them right away.

Call now if you need help with your electrical system after a storm or hurricane.

WHS Electricians LLC Wilmington, NC 28409 910-408-5448 http://wilmingtonelectricianpro.com/  


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