Monday, March 9, 2020

Electrician: What Tools Do They Need?

electrician-1-300x200.jpgElectricians do a lot of things. The work of an electrician includes a wide variety of tasks that include installing an electrical system, making electrical repairs, electrical maintenance and many others. With that said, electricians also need to have the necessary tools specific to their job. Without the necessary tools, electricians will not be as effective at what they do. Some of the tools that they use are commonly found at hardware stores. However, some are more advanced and electricians and other similar professionals purchase them. Here’s a list of the tools that an electrician would use:

Common tools electricians use for electrical work

  1. Screwdrivers and nut drivers – these tools can easily be bought at your local hardware stores. Electricians primarily use them to loosen or tighten connections that use screws or nuts. However, most electricians use professional-grade equipment. This helps them perform tasks better as regular equipment may fail faster than ones made specifically for heavy-duty applications.
  2. Pliers – another staple tool in an electrician’s toolbox is a pair of pliers. Not only do pliers offer gripping capabilities, but they also provide other functionalities such as cutting or stripping wires. Pliers come in a variety of shapes and sizes. It’s one item that an electrician Wilmington wouldn’t go without.
  3. Electric drill – it’s not all the time that an electrical contractor finds the need to use an electric drill but there are instances when this tool is necessary.
  4. Saw – as you may have known, electricians carry out a variety of tasks. This calls for a range of equipment as well. Saws are important when there needs to be metal or wooden pieces that need to be cut in order to install fixtures or route wiring. There’s also a number of saws available that electricians use. Most of the time, electricians use electric saws to make the job a lot faster to complete.
  5. Digital multimeter – if people associate doctor with stethoscopes, electricians are often linked with a multimeter. A multimeter is basically a tool that allows electricians to perform electrical readings and check whether electrical connections and components are working or not.
  6. Non-contact voltage tester – this device is used by electricians to detect whether a line is live or not. The great thing about this device is that it does not need to make contact with the wires themselves to get a voltage reading.
Why is it necessary to hire an electrician that has the right equipment? In general, you would want to hire a professional contractor that has all the necessary tools. This is to ensure that the required job is done professionally and without fail. An electrical contractor that does not have all the necessary equipment will not be as effective at his or her job. Electrical repairs or maintenance will not be as easy without the right tools. When hiring an electrician, always ask whether they have the latest equipment. This will ensure that any electrical task you have is done properly.

Need a reputable electrician for electrical upgrades and repairs? Call WHS Electricians LLC today!

WHS Electricians LLC Wilmington, NC 28409 910-408-5448

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